• JANUARY 2024 just finished a new double concerto for Cello, Percussion & Orchestra World premiere in Belgrade Serbia on January 26th 2024 with soloists Aleksanda Suklar & Kian Soltani & Belgrade Philharmonic.
  • August 2023: new commission from Switzerland for percussion ensmelbe 8 players, 6 MARIMBAS and two percussionists.
  • AUGUST 2023 Working on  new commissioned word: double concerto for percussion violoncello & symphony orchestra
  • MAY 2022  all Nebojsas published compositions are now available also in DIGITAL form ONLINe. this is the ONLY one space in WWW where you LEGALY can purchase Zivkovic works  in Digital form, as PDF, with your name and purchase date stemped in it.  Go to : www.musicaeuropea.de
  • January 2021: New commission From CHINA for a multipercussion SOLO work  just accepted.  to be finished by june 1st  2021
  • August 2020 Austrian premiere of Zivkovic CREDO IN UNUM DEUM for percussion quartet took place in Vienna az ZISAMP 2020
  • March 2020: improved ZIVKOVIC SIGNATURE MALLETS  Series have been released by SCHLAGKRAFT.ART  Newly founded   high quality producing Mallets company that is settled in Vienna, Austria. Check it here .  World-wide sales started on February 21st 2020  check the list of dealers and contact your local shop,  or purchase your mallets online HERE
  •  I  have just finished  a new percussion quartett piece  that includes also a timpani. it is named “CREDO IN UNUM DEUM” . Score is already engraved and corrected , it is to be published before the end of 2019.  Check your local percussion dealer or see the list of dealers world wide on this site.
  • Studying  with Nebojsa in Austria at Viennas Music and Arts University is much easier that you think and it is certainly much cheaper  than ANY  US or UK University for that matter.  You do need to have some knowledge of German language and of course to play VERY well at the entrance audition, but it is certainly worth a try.  Our auditions are always in Feb/March for following academic year. (Starts Oct. 1st) Check Universitys web site for more information